Digital Change Expert – Overview

Objectives, Project Team, Structure & Methods

Vocational training providers would be ill-advised to leave digital change to chance. To align the administrative processes more efficiently and at the same time to methodically upgrade the daily courses, a corresponding competence must be developed: Digital Change Experts (DCE).

The DCE´s accompany their schools in all pending questions of digitalisation: give impulses on how integration into the school development plan can take place; how teaching material and events can be digitally enhanced; keep an eye on current technical developments; offer coaching and training courses on how to use digital tools and administrative software and are involved in building digital networks and partnerships.
So the capacity building project “Digital Change Expert” aims to equip participants with competencies that will enable them to take an active role in digital school development.

Project Team
Vietnamese-German University (VGU) is a state-run Vietnamese university that was founded in 2008 and is located in the province of Binh Duong.
World University Service (WUS) is a German non-governmental organisation that realise ideas within the field of education and help to develop educational projects.
Hessian Institute for Advanced Technology Training (HLfT) an institution of the Hessian Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs that has over 50 years of experience in designing, developing and conducting media training for vocational schools.

Structure & Methods
There are several modules offered relating to five areas:

  1. Organisation Development: “Promote sustainable digital organisational development”
  2. Personnel development: “Support a digital transformation through Continuing Professional Development (CPD)”
  3. Lesson development: “Support a digital teaching and learning culture”
  4. Technique development: “Prepare learners for the future of digitalisation”
  5. Cooperation and partnership: “Strengthen digital transformation with cooperation and partnership”
    There are three levels of degrees, depending on the number of modules covered by the participants.

The training will be offered via e-learning, face to face workshops and self-learning sequences. The training will be finalised by a thesis that serves as groundwork for a digital concept for a selected school. Training overall duration is around one year and overall workload for a participant will be 240 hours.

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