The program takes into account the interdependency between the above-mentioned areas, as digital change has to build up several competencies in communication, creativity, critical thinking, action orientation, and cooperation with others.

  • The groundwork for improvement lies within individual lesson development. If the stakeholder finds incentives to raise the quality of their lectures as well as reduce the efforts in providing these, it is more likely that the impulses given by the Digital Change Expert will be well received.
  • To realize better lesson development and training output (both in quality as well as in quantity) the development of the technical infrastructure will be the focus of the program: What kind of hardware- and software is necessary? And how is the actual status quo? Based on technical standards there will be a discussion on what overall technical solutions could look like, and what features are essential.
  • An important key area of ongoing digital change is the construction of a network based on cooperation and partnerships on three levels: within the organization, within Binh Duong province, and on a national scale.
  • Personnel development is strongly connected with organizational development and necessarily requires the active participation of employees. To foster a supportive environment for change, the Digital Change Expert Program prioritizes enhancing staff skills in social, technical, and methodical areas.
  • Finally, in the area of organizational development, the Digital Change Expert provides support in defining objectives and strategies and aids in creating an ongoing digital change process.

These areas are by the strategy paper “Education in the digital world” of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany (Kultusministerkonferenz, 2021) and can be used as a basement for the role of DCE in Binh Duong Province in Vietnam.By examining the core areas, five job standards were developed and are depicted in the diagram below:

  1. Organization Development: Promote sustainable digital organizational development
  2. Personnel development: Support a digital transformation through Continuing Professional Development (CPD)”
  3. Lesson development: Support a digital teaching and learning culture
  4. Technique development: Prepare learners for the future of digitalization
  5. Cooperation and partnership: Strengthen digital transformation with cooperation and partnership